Welcome to Megalithic Mysteries, a Travel and Adventure Website!

Explore the portfolio of adventures, books, blog posts and insights of Hans Dietrich, a world traveler and an award winning graphic and presentation designer, who also specializes in the research of esoteric topics, ancient sites and civilizations, and occult symbolism.

Travel & Adventure Portfolios: Explore the world with Hans Dietrich

Click on the adventure image to discover more about these travels, photos, insights and more…

Hans Dietrich Publications found at lulu.com

Join Hans Dietrich on an adventure of his early years growing up in Nepal, to his Thesis study in Bhutan on Buddhist Cultural Mysticism, ancient Buddhist art and architecture and the enigmatic and nomadic Drokpa people of the region and their relationship to the stories of the Dropa stones, and the overall connection to Sirius. This book is available thru lulu.com under the search of Dropa or just click on the image for a direct link.
Hans Dietrich explores the Magic of Symbols through this introductory work to the subject. Stemming from object oriented symbols, status, iconography to occult symbology of corporate logos, to their origins in the stars and cultures of the ancient past through today. This book is also available through lulu.com and can be found by searching magic of Symbols, or by clicking on the image for a direct link.
In Hans’ book on the Lost Mysteries of Khemit, Hans Dietrich introduces us to the cultural concepts of the ancient Souf/Khemetians who occupied what is known as today as north eastern Africa stemming from Mali all the way to modern day Egypt. When the Greeks conquered these lands they sadly changed the established history of this land to fit their own narrative. This book is also available thru lulu.com.

Hans Dietrich Travel Fashion Designs

Support the creative journey of Hans Dietrich by exploring his unique travel-inspired fashion collection! Each piece features original screen printed, and all-over sublimated prints that capture his artistic vision. Discover a selection of stunning designs and bring his world of art into your wardrobe today. Visit merchcannon.com to shop now!

Hans Dietrich Movie Symbology Blog


  • Black Adam symbology

    Black Adam symbology

    It is interesting how ancient symbols make their way into popular culture. In the movie “Black Adam”, you see a familiar hand sign or “mudra” (a symbolic or…

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    4 min read

  • Tron Legacy symbology

    Tron Legacy symbology

    After my show on saturnian symbolism, here is another movie full of Saturnian Symbolism of recent times, Tron Legacy (2010). Here we have the depiction of a world…

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    4 min read

  • Polar Anomalies of the Planets

    Polar Anomalies of the Planets

    Recently I did a podcast about Saturnian symbolism and I brought attention to the fact that Saturn has a hexagonal storm at its poles, especially the north pole…

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    4 min read

  • Starwars Andor

    Starwars Andor

    This was an interesting find while watching the TV show Star Wars Andor. There is a 4 armed medic operating on one of the characters which looks a…

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    4 min read

  • Total Recall

    Total Recall

    In the movie Total Recall there is a scene where Quaid’s character removes the mask of a woman he was wearing that unfolds in multiple segments which looks…

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    4 min read

  • Snake Eyes: G.I. JOE Origins

    Snake Eyes: G.I. JOE Origins

    More movie references that bring in esoteric knowledge. Recently I rewatched SnakeEyes, G.I. Joe origins, as I have had a fascination with Ninjitsu and Japanese fighting styles since…

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    4 min read


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